📄️ About us
| Turo López | Andrés Lucas | Christian Jimenez | Jordi Catalán | Diego Millán | Lu Mendivil | Eli Martinez |
📄️ Accessibility
1. Every interactive element should be focusable
📄️ Advocate
📄️ Antipatterns
📄️ Atomic design
Atomic design is a methodology composed of distinct stages working together to create interface design systems in a more deliberate and hierarchical manner.
📄️ Boolean-traps
Every time you have to define a prop you should think about how it adapts with other existant props and future possible features.
📄️ Browser-support
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📄️ Bugs
We've simplified all our processes to 5 maximum steps.
📄️ CSS SCSS cssInJs PostCSS
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📄️ Class Components
📄️ Code-of-conduct
Foster open, respectful and inclusive discussions
📄️ Collaboration model
Every user can influence on the direction of the project through proposals, ideas and bugs reporting.
📄️ Colour Theming Multiplatform
Write a one line description here
📄️ Colour
Each brand has its own colours
📄️ Commits
Use npm run co
📄️ Communication
We value every effort to bring designers and developers closer together. The language you use should always be correct but not at the expense of providing clarity.
📄️ Community
SUI-Components is conformed by the Github public frontend Adevinta Spain's Community. It hosts all public opensource projects.
📄️ Components
Adevinta Spain uses React JS in all its different web pages.
📄️ Compound components
📄️ SUI is Open Source, and anyone can collaborate with it
We've simplified all our processes to the very minimum to have you covered with just a few steps.
📄️ Controlled Uncontrolled Components
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📄️ Custom hooks
📄️ Declarative approach
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📄️ Deprecating components in Figma
Watch a complete explanation in Spanish here
📄️ Deprecate components in code
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📄️ Design System
Create, unify and evolve great experiences
📄️ DesignOps team
We take care of all operational efforts to enable Designers and Developers to focus on improving our products.
📄️ Development workflow
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📄️ Discussions
We use the feature Discussions from Github to organise most of the conversations around SUI Components: New component, proposals, doubts, weeklies, etc.
📄️ Definition of Done (DoD)
This definition is a checklist of details to take into consideration before pushing any bug, feature or new development into production for SUI.
📄️ Definition of Ready (DoR)
This definition is a checklist of details to consider before commiting to work on any bug, feature or new development for SUI.
📄️ Documentation library
<!-- Lo que se espera de esta sección:
📄️ Feedback loops
- Record all conversations in github discussions.
📄️ Figma's Files
At Adevinta we have a common File Starter to unify navigation around different marketplaces.
📄️ Figma-Handoff-QA
📄️ Figma organisation
📄️ Figma's Teams & Projects
At Adevinta we have a common Team & Projects organization to speed up sharing user flows around different marketplaces.
📄️ Figma UI Kits
En Adevinta disponemos de UI Kits en Team Libraries de Figma para acelerar los procesos de diseño. Están estructurados con nuestro sistema atómico y nos permiten tener una estructura reutilizable, escalable y que nos proporciona consistencia en nuestros productos.
📄️ Figma
Figma is our official tool for Design, Handoff and Prototyping.
📄️ Flexibility
The balance between flexibility and standardisation of our systems is a recurrent topic in our community, hence we revisit our agreements 2 times a year, and 3 things are clear every time we discuss it:
📄️ Functional-Components
📄️ Grid
Grid en SUI
📄️ Design System Guidelines
Our Brand guidelines and UI guides are housed in Lingo, not in Figma.
📄️ Welcome!
📄️ Hooks
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📄️ Implementation
- Engineer just enough of a solution
📄️ Improvements
We've simplified all our processes to 5 maximum steps.
📄️ Initialise state using props
📄️ Innovation
- Avoid big bangs: Make small experiments that provide data
📄️ Judgment and Deciosion making
There are many correct ways to do things and solve problems. Many times we have to make decisions without the help of best-practice examples to follow and move forward.
📄️ Layout
El Layout es la estructura del contenido principal en el diseño. Usamos diferentes Layouts para diferentes requisitos de diseño.
📄️ Meetings
Design Systems Weekly
📄️ Mobile 1st
Mobile first, significa que comenzamos el diseño de producto desde el extremo Mobile que cuenta con más restricciones y posteriormente expandimos las funciones para crear una versión Tablet y Desktop.
📄️ Motion
Our Motion system improves the narrative of our products.
📄️ Naming-convention
Naming is hard, please follow these rules
📄️ Node NPM
<!-- Lo que se espera de esta sección:
📄️ Vision and Mission
We have a single Vision for the team, and unique missions that give support to it from different angles.
📄️ Patterns
📄️ Performance dashboard
We track our progress in this performance dashboard, only available for Adevintians.
📄️ Plugins
📄️ Props spreading
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📄️ Props
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📄️ QA and UX checks
Guidelines for quality assurance
📄️ Welcome
In this playbook you will find all the information to understand everything about our Design System.
📄️ React components
Every react component declaration have the same structure: receive arguments (called props) and returns its virtual dom rendered elements.
📄️ Release process
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📄️ Requirements and dependencies
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📄️ Reset and Normalise
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📄️ Resources
📄️ Retrocompatibility
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📄️ Roadmap
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📄️ S.O.L.I.D.
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
📄️ SUI Components
The components from this library are at the core of everything we do for web: Each of our brands uses its atoms and molecules, and also the tools and theme to build its own library of components.
📄️ SUI Studio
Develop, maintain, and publish your React Components.
📄️ SUI Theme
The components in SUI Library use colour, typography, spacing and other values from SUI Theme.
📄️ SUI Agreements
📄️ Table of contents
📄️ Slack
If you are not working at the office use Slack as the 1st option to chat with someone.
📄️ Source of truth
Every style and component are present in Figma and Code, and we work hard to maintain them perfectly aligned.
📄️ State mutation
📄️ State
📄️ Tech stack
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📄️ Testing
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📄️ Tokens
On it's most basic definition, tokens are a combination of name and value. A simple way to store decisions.
📄️ Troubleshooting
Recommended channels and priority.
📄️ Twitch
We have a channel in Twitch to broadcast some of our meetings and events.
📄️ TypeScript
<!-- Lo que se espera de esta sección:
📄️ UX and Technical Debt
UX Debt
📄️ Using index as a key
📄️ Values and Principles
📄️ Versioning
We don't publish a global SUI Version, there's nothing such as @s-ui v2.1.0
📄️ Weekly Sync streamings in Twitch
Join us! We Sync every Wednesday at 12:30 in Twitch
📄️ classNames
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📄️ isFitted
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